How we work

This is our process to help your business


What are the questions to be answered?

Do you want to reduce costs? Are you trying to increase your revenue? What is the goal? How are we going to measure the success of our project? What are we going to measure?
We first need to find the right questions, understand what insights are needed and only then work on the data to find the right answer for them.


Align Data Strategy with Business Objectives.

Once you have the right business questions, we have to make sure we collect the right data to answer them. Do you have it? If not, can we start collecting it? These days it is common to have data, but not so common to have the right data to answer the business questions you need answered. We will help you to define the best data strategy to meet your business goals.


Implement the data strategy.

It’s great to have a data strategy… it’s even better to implement it. Work on achievable goals, with relevant milestones, and get things done. Focus on the priorities, without forgetting the long term objectives. Data governance has to be adequate to your business and ensure security, compliance & quality. Bad data does not lead to good decisions.


Data Science.

With clear questions, the right data… It's time for modeling and analysing. This is the phase for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Recommender systems, Marketing Optimization, Business Intelligence

The right solution applied to your objectives.

Data has a better idea


Display and Communicate the results.

After all the hard work collecting and modelling data, many projects fail on the last stage: communication. You may have the best model, but if you don’t communicate the results effectively with your team it is users. We will help you in the communication of the results and creation of action items according to your business objectives.


Plan, do, check, adjust. Doing it once is good, keep iterating and it can be awesome. New knowledge will bring new business opportunities. Data can help your business continuous improvement.

Repeat Robot

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Technologies We Use

Python Tableau R Oracle Power BI MS SQL Server Amazon Web Services Google Platform Google Data Studio PyTorch Scikit Anaconda TensorFlow